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import defaults from './defaults.js';
 * Initialize the Typed object

export default class Initializer {
   * Load up defaults & options on the Typed instance
   * @param {Typed} self instance of Typed
   * @param {object} options options object
   * @param {string} elementId HTML element ID _OR_ instance of HTML element
   * @private

  load(self, options, elementId) {
    // chosen element to manipulate text
    if (typeof elementId === 'string') {
      self.el = document.querySelector(elementId);
    } else {
      self.el = elementId;

    self.options = { ...defaults, ...options };

    // attribute to type into
    self.isInput = self.el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
    self.attr = self.options.attr;
    self.bindInputFocusEvents = self.options.bindInputFocusEvents;

    // show cursor
    self.showCursor = self.isInput ? false : self.options.showCursor;

    // custom cursor
    self.cursorChar = self.options.cursorChar;

    // Is the cursor blinking
    self.cursorBlinking = true;

    // text content of element
    self.elContent = self.attr
      ? self.el.getAttribute(self.attr)
      : self.el.textContent;

    // html or plain text
    self.contentType = self.options.contentType;

    // typing speed
    self.typeSpeed = self.options.typeSpeed;

    // add a delay before typing starts
    self.startDelay = self.options.startDelay;

    // backspacing speed
    self.backSpeed = self.options.backSpeed;

    // only backspace what doesn't match the previous string
    self.smartBackspace = self.options.smartBackspace;

    // amount of time to wait before backspacing
    self.backDelay = self.options.backDelay;

    // Fade out instead of backspace
    self.fadeOut = self.options.fadeOut;
    self.fadeOutClass = self.options.fadeOutClass;
    self.fadeOutDelay = self.options.fadeOutDelay;

    // variable to check whether typing is currently paused
    self.isPaused = false;

    // input strings of text
    self.strings = self.options.strings.map((s) => s.trim());

    // div containing strings
    if (typeof self.options.stringsElement === 'string') {
      self.stringsElement = document.querySelector(self.options.stringsElement);
    } else {
      self.stringsElement = self.options.stringsElement;

    if (self.stringsElement) {
      self.strings = [];
      self.stringsElement.style.cssText =
        'clip: rect(0 0 0 0);clip-path:inset(50%);height:1px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;width:1px;';

      const strings = Array.prototype.slice.apply(self.stringsElement.children);
      const stringsLength = strings.length;

      if (stringsLength) {
        for (let i = 0; i < stringsLength; i += 1) {
          const stringEl = strings[i];

    // character number position of current string
    self.strPos = 0;

    // If there is some text in the element
    self.currentElContent = this.getCurrentElContent(self);

    if (self.currentElContent && self.currentElContent.length > 0) {
      self.strPos = self.currentElContent.length - 1;

    // the order of strings
    self.sequence = [];

    // Set the order in which the strings are typed
    for (let i in self.strings) {
      self.sequence[i] = i;

    // current array position
    self.arrayPos = 0;

    // index of string to stop backspacing on
    self.stopNum = 0;

    // Looping logic
    self.loop = self.options.loop;
    self.loopCount = self.options.loopCount;
    self.curLoop = 0;

    // shuffle the strings
    self.shuffle = self.options.shuffle;

    self.pause = {
      status: false,
      typewrite: true,
      curString: '',
      curStrPos: 0,

    // When the typing is complete (when not looped)
    self.typingComplete = false;

    self.autoInsertCss = self.options.autoInsertCss;

    if (self.autoInsertCss) {

  getCurrentElContent(self) {
    let elContent = '';
    if (self.attr) {
      elContent = self.el.getAttribute(self.attr);
    } else if (self.isInput) {
      elContent = self.el.value;
    } else if (self.contentType === 'html') {
      elContent = self.el.innerHTML;
    } else {
      elContent = self.el.textContent;
    return elContent;

  appendCursorAnimationCss(self) {
    const cssDataName = 'data-typed-js-cursor-css';

    if (!self.showCursor || document.querySelector(`[${cssDataName}]`)) {

    let css = document.createElement('style');
    css.setAttribute(cssDataName, 'true');

    css.innerHTML = `
          opacity: 1;
          animation: typedjsBlink 0.7s infinite;
          -webkit-animation: typedjsBlink 0.7s infinite;
                  animation: typedjsBlink 0.7s infinite;
        @keyframes typedjsBlink{
          50% { opacity: 0.0; }
        @-webkit-keyframes typedjsBlink{
          0% { opacity: 1; }
          50% { opacity: 0.0; }
          100% { opacity: 1; }


  appendFadeOutAnimationCss(self) {
    const cssDataName = 'data-typed-fadeout-js-css';

    if (!self.fadeOut || document.querySelector(`[${cssDataName}]`)) {

    let css = document.createElement('style');
    css.setAttribute(cssDataName, 'true');

    css.innerHTML = `
          opacity: 0;
          transition: opacity .25s;
          -webkit-animation: 0;
          animation: 0;


export let initializer = new Initializer();